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“Give thanks to the Lord, for His love endures forever” - 2 Chronicles 20

We are struck by the power of a message conveyed using an economy of words. In the Advancement Office there is a plaque that reads: “God Grace Gratitude”. When I first saw this, I found myself drawn to the deep meaning found there.

In 2 Chronicles 20 we read of Jehoshaphat, King of Judah in 850 B.C. There were three armies marching on his kingdom and he had no real hope of defeating them; this is what he did: Jehoshaphat called the nation together, and they prayed. God then told them not to fear or be discouraged because the battle belonged to Him, not them. “… the Lord will be with you.” The whole nation sang songs of praise and thanksgiving, trusting God and His words of deliverance!

In each challenge, remember His enduring love for every circumstance. And then acknowledge His power and faithfulness with a thankful heart. Trust God and stand on His amazing grace remembering the finished work of redemption and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. And then express gratitude to God, in advance, for what He will do.

For over 40 years, Christian Heritage School has been providing students with a Christ-centered education of spiritual and academic excellence. We are passionate regarding our mission and remain committed to our role in assisting parents with the education of their children.

As an independent school, CHS depends upon the generosity of donors to advance our mission. We need to raise funds to bridge the gap between the tuition our student families pay, and the actual higher cost of educating these students. We also solicit funds to grow our endowment and support critical capital projects to improve our campus and enhance our facilities and programs.

There are many ways to contribute to CHS and each contribution makes a difference. We strive to be good stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us and also pray for His guidance in all aspects of our work. Thank you for your interest in partnering with us. We are excited about what is ahead and welcome your comments and support.

Bruce Stempien
Director of Advancement

B.A. University of Connecticut
M.Ed. University of Hartford

Gr. K Open House